Get Well God’s Way MP3USB




In this two-part teaching series, Get Well God’s Way MP3 on USB, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons expand on the power in the name of Jesus and the Word of God to fulfill the will of God in every area of your life!

In Get Well God’s Way, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons will show you how to walk out God’s plan for your healing and wholeness. Armed with the mighty Name of Jesus—the Name above every name that conquered every attack of the enemy against you—and the blood-sworn oath of the Word of God, no sickness, disease or challenge in your life can stand in the way of you being completely made whole.

Receive all God has provided for you through His Son—the Word made flesh. Learn to walk in the wholeness He ordained for you from the foundation of the world!

Teaching on MP3USB

By George and Terri Pearsons