In this season of celebration and joy, it is quite likely that you may be at a crossroad in some area of life. For some, that crossroad may involve job…
The entire Bible is composed of prophetic words from the Lord and words given under a prophetic anointing. Second Peter 1:19-21, the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition, says, And we have…
A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking…
It’s true. In church, we’ve nodded our heads up and down and said, “Yes, amen. God’s Word is true.” Then we walked outside and came face to face with sickness or some other kind of problem and we challenged the truth of the Word of God with our thoughts, our words and our actions. We followed the course of fear instead of simply expecting God to do what He said He would do for us.
“Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!” (Luke 12:32, The The Amplified Bible)….
The resurrection of Jesus was the greatest demonstration ever of the power of God. Not only was He raised up spirit, soul and body, but all of humanity was raised…
God is a place. He’s not like a location or a “place over there.” But we come up into places in God. Jesus said, “In My Father’s house there are…
God cares for your children and He wants to help you be the best parent you can be! He will never leave you to “figure things out.” He’s always speaking…
The Word of God is the foundation of our prayer life. This is so vital to know and understand. We need the grace of God to help us focus on…
Faith is actually very simple, and when applied it has the power to affect anything and everything in our lives. Hebrews 11:1 explains that faith is the substance of things…
God is love. You’ve probably been able to quote that scripture ever since you toddled out of your first little Sunday school class. But come on now, be honest. Is…
I am a traditional kind of girl. I like new things too, but I never stray too far from old-fashioned when it comes to Christmas. I never tire of hearing…
Everyone who wants to be in the will of God, raise your hand. Anyone with any sense should want that; being in the will of God sums up the Christian’s…
It’s time to remind ourselves of who we are – seated in the heavenlies with Jesus (Eph. 2:6). There lies the seat of authority over all natural things, including the weather. This kind of hot weather pattern is under the curse. We receive the mercies of God over our nation and the grace of God on the Church to do something about it! Even as we have learned to speak to storms, we shall speak to “heat domes” and drought.