We’re commanded in the Word to “walk in the Spirit,” where God’s presence and power rule. But for us to understand this dynamic realm and see the gifts of the Spirit flow freely, we must learn the laws that govern the spirit realm.
In this series, Terri Copeland Pearsons shares her years of experience of walking in the ways of the Spirit and teaches how you too can develop and operate in this power. Discover how prayer is the key to the management of spiritual power. You’ve been given authority to grant the Holy Spirit license, through your prayers, to move on your behalf and affect kingdoms and realms. The more you boldly use the authority He’s given you, the more you’ll be trusted and allowed to operate in higher places of spiritual authority.
When you listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and stand on the Word in your place of authority, you can overcome any obstacle and do anything God calls you to do.
Teaching on Compact Disc
3 Messages on 3 CDs