Brother Kenneth E. Hagin, a mentor to many of us in faith ministry today, prayed the following prayer before the US presidential election of 1984. It was under the anointing…
Brother Kenneth E. Hagin, a mentor to many of us in faith ministry today, prayed the following prayer before the US presidential election of 1984. It was under the anointing…
Word of the Lord through Kenneth E. Hagin ~ Longmont, Colo., 1974 “No, the time of the end is not yet. No, America is not doomed,” I heard Him say….
Every person ever born has built into them a desire to come to God. Because we are all His “offspring” (Acts 17:29) and all human spirits originally proceeded from Him,…
Now more than ever, we must pay attention to prophecy and the word the Lord is giving through the Holy Spirit. We must be able to recognize Jesus as He…
Even the most secular among us has noticed that angels are a recognized feature of the Christmas Story. Perhaps one reason the world is so quick to accept angels during…
Prophecy by Mark Brazee, September 14, 1998: “The best and the greatest days of the Church, the greatest days of the move of God, the greatest days on earth lie…
There’s not been enough attention paid to the connection between times of refreshing in the Spirit and the coming of the Lord. You can always tell what the will of…
You need to understand where you are in the timeline of things. You are quickly moving and approaching the crossover of the age. It’s not a mark in time. It’s…
“Yes, Pastor Terri, I know what a mess Washington is in, and the schools, and the economy, and the world for that matter…but what do I have to do with that?”
Let’s work our way through to the answer to that question. First, is God the answer to all these problems? Of course! Is He willing to get involved in our world, our nation and our homes? Absolutely! What opens the door to Him? Prayer.
A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking…
When you sing of the Lord and you sing of His name, and you speak in terms of forever, don’t think of “forever” as some long time ahead destination place. …
Control. It’s what everyone longs for. There must be a way to control the balance between home, children, work and play. But there are so many demands from everyone and everything. And after all, aren’t good Christians who walk in love supposed to “be there” for those who need them? Spouses, parents, children, employers, employees, the church, friends, neighbors and so on. Even those quietly alone are often faced with the pressure of needing to make changes in their not-busy-enough lives. There are just more demands on each of us than we care to count, and each one is screaming to claim the title of No. 1 Priority.
Trials. Trials. Great trials are coming upon the sons of men. And those who only know how to walk as mere men will be overtaken, overcome, and burdened by the trials, the trials, the trials. But those who are acquainted with the spirit of grace, those who are acquainted with My ways, those who are acquainted even in their souls with the things and movings of the Spirit, those who know Me by the sound of My voice that they have heard through My Word, those whose ears are inclined to the leading of My Spirit, shall walk victorious and walk above the trials, the trials, the trials.
It’s true. In church, we’ve nodded our heads up and down and said, “Yes, amen. God’s Word is true.” Then we walked outside and came face to face with sickness or some other kind of problem and we challenged the truth of the Word of God with our thoughts, our words and our actions. We followed the course of fear instead of simply expecting God to do what He said He would do for us.
“Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!” (Luke 12:32, The The Amplified Bible)….
Some people never know a level of the love of God beyond just not being rejected. But there are places to develop in the love of God that lead to a place where faith is more highly and accurately demonstrated, where faith is more highly and accurately delivered and activated and used. For it’s by the love of God that the wisdom of God flows abundantly, or fluently. There are places, there are rooms, there are strategy rooms in the love of God.
Prayer for an Awakening unto God in the Church and in America by Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons This is a call for believers in the Lord Jesus to come together…
Will You Join Us in Praying Over these FIVE STRATEGIC PRAYER POINTS for the election and share this to at least 10 other people who are prayerfully concerned about our…
One time my husband, Pastor George Pearsons, preached a series in our church titled God Has a Plan for Your Life. It was wonderful. After a couple of weeks, everybody…
The resurrection of Jesus was the greatest demonstration ever of the power of God. Not only was He raised up spirit, soul and body, but all of humanity was raised…