Why must we contend? What is it that opposes us most? The devil—yes, but not as you think. It is time, time as you know it. When Adam fell, he…
Why must we contend? What is it that opposes us most? The devil—yes, but not as you think. It is time, time as you know it. When Adam fell, he…
Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons and other Christian leaders at the 2025 National Religious Broadcasters Convention declare support for American Christian Leaders for Israel’s resolution on the sovereignty of Israel. At…
“Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!”—Luke 12:32, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition Don’t…
The birth of Jesus is not just Christmas card fodder. Each and every part of His story is relevant now, and will be forever. Relevancy is good news! It means…
In this season of celebration and joy, it is quite likely that you may be at a crossroad in some area of life. For some, that crossroad may involve job…
Release your faith, praying this Word of the Lord through Kenneth Copeland, November 9, 1996: “I speak to this nation. Rise up in the glory of the Lord and take…
Those of us who consider ourselves “faith people” might assume that the Word could never make us hard. After all, we love the Word! We live by faith in the…
Prophecy through William Branham: “I’ve been in this season where we laid hands on people one at a time and we saw blind eyes open, cancers disappear and the lame…
The time. The time. The times of bewilderment and the times of wonder, the times of confusion and the times of great stress, and great sweeping of minds and great…
“Many have said this is the day and this is the hour of prophecy, that the life of prophecy is speaking into the nation, and these things are true. This…
Following is a stunning vision given to American preacher Tommy Hicks, who was a major figure in the powerful 1954 Argentina Revival. Vision of The Body of Christ and The…
“For those who will seek My Word and seek My face in My Word, then I will in turn produce from My Word the things that your heart knows to…
God is wanting to dwell among His people. God is wanting to dwell among His people. He wants to reside where His Name is…
Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make…
Prophecy by Kenneth Copeland, January 18, 2023: “Every time you say, ‘Yes’ to Me,” saith the Lord, “you take one more step into not only the center of My will,…
“The world is in serious trouble. But for the household of faith and those that will cling to My WORD and listen very carefully and do this thing that I…
Pastor Terri: “From of old I set before My people a choice. Always a choice. To choose life and blessing or to follow your own way which is to choose…
Listen, listen, listen, I say, to the voice of the Commander. These are the beginning days of the war of the Spirit. These are the beginning days, the days that…
Prophecy by Kenneth Copeland, August 31, 1984: For you see in the Garden of Eden when I called Adam to his work, I had already allocated to his life all…
As Birds Fly, As Fish Swim Prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin, 1980: You are right on the verge, right on the verge of the greatest move and manifestation of the…