Word from the Lord to Pastor George Pearsons
August 18, 2014
Johannesburg, South Africa
I want My Church back!
I want signs, wonders and miracles re-introduced into My Church.
I don’t want them just in a one time a year conference or on special occasions.
I don’t want healing hidden back behind the platform and away from the congregation.
I want these signs, wonders and miracles to become as much a regular part of the life of your church as it was in the book of Acts.
I want My healing and miracle ministry back in My Church in full force.
I also want the full operation of the gifts of the Spirit back in My Church.
They have been edged out and I want them back.
Demonstrations of the supernatural are one of the major distinguishing marks of
My Glorious Church and should be a common occurrence.
Do what I did. I am your pattern for My Glorious Church.
Teach, preach and heal.
Matthew 9:35 declares, “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”