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Israel, This Nation and the Church

By January 26, 2012October 17th, 2024Articles, Prayer

This is a portion of a word from the Lord that came through my dad in Washington, D.C., several years ago:

I speak to this nation. Rise up in the glory of the Lord and take your rightful place. Take your position as Israel’s champion. Take your position as Jesus’ champion. Take your place. Your legacy will come to pass. I say it is so, saith the Lord God of Israel, the Lord God of hosts, the Lord God of heaven and earth! You will fulfill your destiny. Take your place! Open the door…for the truth…the reality. For freedom…real freedom. Liberty…real liberty. Those things that I called you to do from the beginning…rise up and stand forth as the star of My Crown in these last days.

In this word we see that this nation has been given a command to take her place. But how will she do that?

In Luke 2:49, Jesus said, “…I must be about my Father’s business.” When He said this, Jesus was in the temple. Later on in His ministry, Jesus described the temple as His Father’s house. He called it a house of prayer.

Too many times the house of the Lord has been neglected when it comes to prayer. As believers, we know the house of the Lord is no longer just the temple in Jerusalem. We became the temple of the Lord. Individually, we have become houses of prayer. Corporately, we are the house of prayer.

Prayer in its broadest sense is spiritual communication. However, the activity of prayer is being about the Father’s business. It is about kingdom business. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). The Church is responsible to keep the nation’s spiritual tank full, and even overflowing. The Church should lead the nation and not vice versa. It is only by and through prayer that this is accomplished. So then we, as a nation, take our place through prayer first. Now this word admonishes us to take our place as Israel’s champion.

Our spiritual security and even national security are in direct proportion to the position we take with Israel. There is pressure that our nation, our president and our leaders are under where the Middle East is concerned. It is very hard for them to see beyond the dependence we have on the Arab nations around Israel, primarily because of oil. And there are people who say, “We don’t want to fight a war over oil; we should just do what’s right.” Well, you say that until you stop and think of all the things in our lives that rely on that oil.

As the Church, we want to pray for the wisdom of God, and stand on the Word of God for our nation. This nation should not be in servitude to any other nation. We should owe no man anything, but to love him (Romans 13:8). The Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “And God is able to make all grace…come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient” (The Amplified Bible).

Let’s stand together in faith that God Almighty takes hold of our nation…that He delivers us and sets us free, so that we are free to stand for Israel as we should!

Pastor George and I and Eagle Mountain International Church have joined with Christians United for Israel (C.U.F.I.), an association through which every pro-Israel church, ministry or individual in America can speak and act with one voice to our federal government in support of Israel in matters related to biblical issues. You can learn more at

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