Keep awake! If there were ever a time to be awake and stay that way, Family of God, it is now.
“Yes, Pastor Terri, I know what a mess Washington is in, and the schools, and the economy, and the world for that matter…but what do I have to do with that?”
Let’s work our way through to the answer to that question. First, is God the answer to all these problems? Of course! Is He willing to get involved in our world, our nation and our homes? Absolutely! What opens the door to Him? Prayer.
“Ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). He could have just as well said, “You get what you ask for, and only what you ask for.” “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss…” (James 4:3). Well, if asking incorrectly keeps you from receiving, not asking at all surely will. Who is going to do the asking? You are.
“But I’m just me,” you might say. Yes, and I’m just me. The whole Body of Christ is full of “just mes.” But every one of us “just mes” is full of the Holy Ghost!
Every time another “just me” full of the Holy Ghost adds his or her faith-filled prayers to the prayers of others, the working of the power of the Holy Ghost is increased. Think of it this way: Have you ever had to move a heavy piece of furniture, and someone helped you? Having one more person made a big difference. I’ve seen one or two men struggling to push a stalled car out of the street. Then one more man came running up to help, and the car rolled right along. One more is much more! You are that one!
We have some big things to move in the Spirit. He is waiting on our prayers so that we can move them: move some things in our nation, and move some things out of our nation. We don’t want to keep Him waiting any longer.
Join with me right now and let’s move some things together in the Spirit through this prayer:
Father, first of all I come before You in the Name of Jesus on behalf of the leaders of (your nation). According to 1 Timothy 2:1-2, I intercede and give thanks for kings and all in authority and expect to live a quiet, undisturbed and peaceable life. I ask that You guide and direct the hearts and minds of (name the leaders) to make decisions that will lead this nation in Your ways. Lord, we declare that the enemy of right and righteousness will not govern in (your nation). Lord, Your Word declares, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” We believe You to change this nation by setting godly leadership in place. You “cut off the strength of evil men and increase the power of good men in their place” of authority in this nation. We declare that the godless man will not reign, and that there will be no one to ensnare the people, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Scripture references for this biblical prayer: 1 Timothy 2:1-2, The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition; Psalm 33:12, 75:10, The Living Bible; Job 34:17, 30, The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition.