Prophecy through William Branham: “I’ve been in this season where we laid hands on people one at a time and we saw blind eyes open, cancers disappear and the lame walk. And oh, it was wonderful.”
But he said, “I’m about to leave you because God is done with me, but another season is coming. And this season is going to be teaching and revelation of the Word of Jesus Christ; who we are in Him and Who He is in us.” Not just Jesus hanging on the Cross. That’s wonderful. But religion will leave Him on the Cross. Brother Branham said, “It’s about Jesus in us and us in Him. This teaching season will go for a while, and then it will come to a close.”
“And God is going to take every move of God in history, and even what we witnessed and what we saw in Bible days, and put it all together in one great Holy Ghost bomb and drop it on Planet Earth and the nations will rock and reel with the power of God like we’ve never seen. The Prime-Time News will show the dead being raised, and limbs created, and eyes being put back in eye sockets, and arms stretching out. And preachers won’t lay their hands on them like we did; they will simply speak the Word and blindness will leave.”
God Wants to Use Every Person
T.L. Osborn said, “William Branham was raised up to show the Body of Christ that we can do what Jesus did.” You can lay your hands on the sick and God will heal them.
Buford Dowell continued, God said, “I’m tired of you just praying for people to be healed. Pray for them that they’d open their hearts and let Me move in and bring My healing with Me, and it will flow through them to somebody else that’s sick, and then into someone else who is sick. God wants every person in this room to be a channel.”
Becoming the Habitation of Him
Just before Branham died in 1965, he said, “Something is coming. It is about a Body of people, walking with God, becoming the habitation of Him. It’s not just about miracles, but it’s about God in us. We are about to encounter great realms of darkness. If we don’t get that level of the Lord in us, we’re not going to be able to meet the needs of our generation.”
He said, “Every mantle, every anointing, every commissioning that has existed will be dumped into our day.” If you’ve got it, you can give it. I believe God is going to do it. I believe God is going to do it. It’s not about men—it’s all about Jesus.
Buford Dowell went on to say, “Jack Coe laid his hands on me and God taught me how to play the organ because ‘Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord.’ A man of God imparted that anointing into my hands and I started doing what I couldn’t do within four weeks.”
~ Buford Dowell’s Commentary and Quotes of William Branham’s Prophecy, June 1965