Release your faith, praying this Word of the Lord through Kenneth Copeland, November 9, 1996: “I speak to this nation. Rise up in the glory of the Lord and take your rightful place. Take your position as Israel’s champion. Take your position as Jesus’ champion. Take your place. Your legacy will come to pass. I say it is so,” saith the Lord God of Israel, the Lord God of hosts, the Lord God of heaven and earth!
“You will fulfill your destiny. Take your place! Open the door…for the truth…the reality. For freedom…real freedom. Liberty…real liberty. Those things that I called you to do from the beginning…rise up and stand forth as the star of My crown in these last days.
Revival from Coast to Coast
I will move, I am moving now, and I will continue to move, to wipe clean your tarnished face. Your violence and the death in your streets, will be replaced by revival that will flow from coast to coast, from border to border…like flood rain! Like flood stage! Like floods and torrents of rain and rivers flowing with a mighty heaven flow.
I said it,” saith the Lord, “and no devil in hell can stop it. No political party can stop it. They made grave mistakes when they invited Me to leave their midst. For now they’ll fall. I was the only thing holding any of them up. And they’ll fall. And they’ll change and never again be the same as you’ve known them in the past. Oh, they’ll change. I’ll see to that,” saith the Lord.
Do Not Fret
“Take no thought, take no worry, and spend no time in fret or anxiety concerning the politicians of your day. I have dealt with politicians before. I’ve dealt with some that make these little fellows look, aha, very puny.
I will deal with them. Even this moment I am dealing with them. Some will repent and fulfill their destiny and their calling. Some will not. I don’t have time to fool with those that are not…and won’t.
The Time is Gone
The time is gone. Do you understand? The time is gone. I’m longsuffering. I would go another 6,000 years just to give you time to repent. But I cannot, and I will not. The time is gone.
The end of this age has come. Should I be one moment…should I be one second…should I be one twinkling of an eye late from the appointed time, I would be accused of a lie and failure. Satan is the father of lies, and I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!
The time is gone! And if it were not for you and the prayers that you have cried before the throne of grace, saith the Lord of grace, I would have long since…long since, turned My back and walked the other way.
But I cannot do that and honor the blood of My Son Jesus. I cannot do that and honor the Word of My covenant. I cannot do that and honor His Name.
Your Prayers Have Brought Me to This Moment
I cannot do that and honor the prayers of My people. For your prayers have brought Me to My feet. Your prayers have brought Me to a place. Your prayers have brought Me to this moment of time, and I will deal with this nation, and I will not deal with it to destroy it…I will deal with it to raise it up, and it will fulfill its destiny,” saith the Lord!
“And all those that dare challenge Me, and all those that stand in My way, will be washed out with the tide of My glory,” saith the Lord! “It is over half-filled with My glory now, and you haven’t seen anything yet. For these are My days and I will accomplish them.
I speak to this city, and I thank all of the prayers and the intercessors, supplicators and petitioners that have come before Me and cried at My throne of grace over this city. The blood of My people cry out to Me.
Ungodliness…willful wickedness, complete ignoring of My statutes and My ways…has brought you to a place where you cannot even manage the pavement on your streets.
But do not be in despair. Politicians have given up on you. Voters no longer take the time to express what I desire. So I’m taking it over Myself. Things are gonna change around here. They’re going to change quickly.
I’m going to raise some people up and put some people down. I’m going to straighten some things out around here, and the power of My Word is going to snap some people straight up and slap some people straight down, and there’s going to be a power and a deliverance running in the streets of Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas, surrounding cities.
Deliverance Flowing in the Streets
All the state of Maryland is going to come to a place where people all over the nation say, ‘My, God, let’s go to Maryland! My God, let’s go to Washington! The Holy Ghost is falling up there! They’re getting healed up there. All these kind of things are happening up there. It’s flowing in the streets! It’s flowing in the streets! Oh, we’re gonna have to go to the nation’s capital, and it’s gonna spread out all over the world.’
There’s going to be people in nations all over the world that say, ‘We’re gonna have to go to Washington, D.C., we’ve got to get in there. The Holy Ghost is being outpoured!’ You’re going to join the ranks with Toronto and Miami, Azusa Street.
I Have Not Forgotten America
I have not forgotten the nation that stood with Me when none other did! And I have saved the best for last, and I have saved the best for My darling…the jewel in My crown…My miracle land. The place where they said it could never happen.
Well, you haven’t seen anything else, little…You haven’t seen anything else to compare with it, My little darlin’. So, you just continue to pray and be in great joy, and rejoice and shout My Name and be ready to stand forth and witness at My beckon, and at My call…for My power is on you!
So go forth, therefore, in great courage, hallelujah. For I not only will clean your smutted face, and clean the spit in the insult of the wicked off your brow…but I will bring a new and a fresh respect for this city and for this nation and for My people that have stood up for Me.
These Are the Days
These are the times. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! These are the days that the devil has had nightmares over. Oh, these are the days that he hoped would never come. These are the days when all of those that have served darkness so diligently, said would never happen.
They invited Me to leave their midst. And I left out of an act of honor and respect. But My people have been praying. They have turned from their wicked ways. They have sought My face. And I promised if they’d do that, I’d heal their land.
My People Have Invited Me Back In
So,” saith the Lord Jehovah, God Almighty, “since I am God Almighty, and since My people have invited Me back in…I have reentered the Congress of the United States, whether they like it or not! And I’m there to stay. They can’t put Me out. I gave them an opportunity one by one and party by party, to join up with Me. I gave the news medias and the, uh, experts, opportunities to join with Me. They chose not to.
They shall join the ranks of pharaoh of old, and be swallowed up in their own wickedness, ignorance and stupidity of the days at hand.
Many will wake up because of the prayers of their families and their mothers and their fathers, and those that have gone before them, and they’ll suddenly wake up and say, ‘Oh, my. Oh, my.’
Some of them will say it publicly, and those will gain great honor. They’ll stand up and say, ‘Oh, my, why and how did I get under such darkness? I knew better than this. I knew better than this.’
Revealing Times
And they’ll begin to repent—they will begin to publicly repent of wrongdoings and things that have been long hidden.
But they didn’t hide anything from Me. I said in My Word there’s nothing hidden but what will be revealed. And these are the revealing times.
I have jerked the cover off the devil’s operations, and you are going to see the trash float to the top…and My glory wipe it away.
Those that stand up—and there will be a few—and publicly challenge Me…I don’t want to do it…I’ve held off from doing it…it’s not My way to do it. But you see, My Word is on the line, and My people called by My Name have learned over the last number of years how to call Me and call My Word before Me. And My Word is at hand.
I don’t want to do it. It’s not My way to do it. But I’m gonna do it. I am going to make a sweep with the back of My hand one time, Whomp! And there’ll be those—some will fall in the middle of a political speech. Just fall down. They’ll say, ‘He had a heart attack.’ Nope. He got hit with the back of My hand.
These are those days. For you’re only a ‘Whooh’…breath away from the Great Tribulation. The earmarks of those days are already becoming visible. The systems of the ‘beast’ are already in place.
But you’re less than a ‘Whooh’…breath away, from knowing Me as the Great Resurrection, saith the Lord.
Days of Refreshing – Days of Financial Inversion
So rejoice! Enjoy your days of refreshing. Enjoy your days of the financial inversion. Some of you are going to come into monies and finances and properties and can’t even figure out how you got ‘em!
And I’m gonna call on you to do things, and you’re gonna say, ‘Here am I, Lord,’ and together we’re gonna have a good time here. Oh, this is our time,” saith the Lord. “These are your days as well as Mine.
But you listen to Me. Don’t sit haughtily and raise yourself up in a high place and say, ‘We told y’all all the time.’ No, don’t do that. Take advantage of these days, for there’ll be many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many millions and tens of millions and hundreds of millions of people that are going to come flowing into the kingdom of God during these days. And you walk in love, and you walk in faith, and you walk in My Spirit, and you walk in My joy, and you walk in My laughter, and you walk in My rest.
And enjoy the rest, for these are not your end days—these are your beginning days. And in just a few moments from now, you and I are going to have the party of all parties! We’re coming together,” saith the Lord.
“So rejoice and give praise and thanksgiving to the Lord of lords, the King of kings. The Lord God Almighty has spoken unto thee, and it will be that way,” saith God!
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Give forth praise and honor the Lord God Almighty. These are His days. These are His days.
~ Prophecy through Kenneth Copeland, Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Saturday evening, November 9, 1996